Do you want the challenge of a lifetime?
Fredericks Foundation has a team of two to row across the Atlantic as part of “The World’s Toughest Row” in December 2026

What is involved?
The boats will set off from San Sebastian de la Gomera in The Canary Islands and arrive between 30 and 90 days later in Antigua. Rowers will typically row about 1 million strokes across 3000 miles.
Our offer
We are offering the chosen team a free boat worth £70,000. The two-person rowing boat is proven and completed the journey in 2023. Fredericks will provide admin support and handle everything to do with the boat. All other costs involved (c. £75,000) should be covered by raising funds from sponsorship, so your financial outlay should be minimal.
What we need from you
What we need from you is a genuine commitment to physically prepare for this incredible challenge and to work closely with us to raise funds for Fredericks Foundation – a charity that helps scale inspirational social enterprises.
Next steps
The team for December 2026 has been selected, however if you are interested in applying for 2027 please contact Paul Barry-Walsh or Janette Hill
You can also read more on the World’s Toughest Row website. If you decide it is not for you, do please share this web page with your friends and colleagues!